Amend iD

You’re in control of your data and access to you.

Amend iD

Permissioned access to you and your information. Think of this like "sign-in with apple" but for physical space as well without your info being used to sell you things or waste your time online.

Currently acts like an always up-to-date contacts app and personal data manager with you in full control.

Share only what you want, with who you want, when you want.


I’m building this as one of, if not the most important things I can think of for making the world a better place at the biggest scale and difference as I can.

Plan is roughly

  1. Permissioned always updated contacts app

  2. Permissioned bio-pages/iD’s

  3. Card management

  4. Communication inbuilt

  5. Proper identification and authentication with advanced SSO

  6. Public API’s and plugins


Amend Diagrams